Phone number 01946 693660
Prescription Line 01946 63982

About our PPG

Are you interested in finding out more about Mansion House Surgery?

Would you like to influence the development of local health services?

Mansion House Surgery has a Patient Participation Group, so why not find out more about what the group does and how you may get involved.

Meetings take place at: Mansion House Surgery

If you would like to come along to a meeting, or if you have any queries about the Patient Participation Group, then please contact

Anita Wilkinson (Practice Manager) on 01946 693660

Discussions at meetings often cover:

  • Ideas for the development of the group – what would you like to see your Patient Participation Group doing
  • Helping the practice to improve services
  • Offering support to other patients
  • any other ideas you want to bring along about how you’d like to see the surgery develop and how you think patients might be involved.

Patient Participation is

Patients working with a practice to:
  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of services;
  • Foster improved communication between the practice and its patients;
  • Help patients to take more responsibility for their health;
  • Provide practical support and help to implement change
Varied to suit local needs

Each group determines its own activities according to the needs of the community and the practice itself.

Based on co-operation

Works by building a relationship between the practice and its patients that breaks down barriers and by sharing information can develop to influence the wider NHS

Terms of Reference

Date published: 1st July, 2020
Date last updated: 26th May, 2023